Tuesday, July 20, 2010

MS-DOS command list

* See our our complete overview page for a brief description on each of the below commands.
Aansi.sys | append | arp | assign | assoc | at | atmadm | attrib
Bbackup | batch | bootcfg | break
Ccacls | call | cd | chcp | chdir | chdsk | chkntfs | choice | cipher | cls |cmd | color | command | comp | compact | control | convert | copy |ctty
Ddate | debug | defrag | del | delete | deltree | dir| disable | diskcomp |diskcopy | diskpart | doskey | dosshell | driveparm
Eecho | edit | edlin | emm386 | enable | endlocal | erase | exit | expand |extract
Ffasthelp | fc | fdisk | find | findstr | fixboot | fixmbr | for| format | ftp |ftype
Ggoto | gpupdate | graftabl
Hhelp | hostname
Iif | ifhlp.sys | ipconfig
Llabel | lh | listsvc | loadfix | loadhigh | lock | logoff | logon
Mmap | md | mem| mkdir | mode | more | move | msav | msbackup | msd| mscdex | mwbackup
Nnbtstat | net | netsh | netstat | nlsfunc | nslookup
Ppath | pathping | pause | ping | popd | power | print | prompt | pushd
Rrd | reg | ren | rename | rmdir | route | runas
Sscandisk | scanreg | set | setlocal | setver | sfc | share | shift | shutdown| smartdrv | sort | start | subst | switches | sys | systeminfo | systemroot
Ttaskkill | telnet | time | title | tracert | tree | type
Uundelete | unformat | unlock
Vver | verify | vol

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